Produce music and image differently
Audiovisual creation, like any human activity, requires energy, heat, state-of-the-art equipment, travel, fluids and so many other resources. If we want to carry in our songs, our films, our soundtracks a discourse in tune with reality and carrying optimism and convictions, we have a duty to set an example.
But it is not easy to measure and then reduce its impact when you want to create and widely promote high quality works that require an addition of talent, technical means and significant resources.
That's why we chose to create this special place.
Découvrez plus en détail la démarche de création de HEY!
dans cette interview donnée à l'ONG "MUSIC FOR PLANET"

What have we already put in place?
A place accessible by bike, bus, tram and near a TGV station
7 recording studios around a 100m2 set to pool resources
A complete renovation of buildings with ecological solutions with high thermal efficiency
A ventilation and heating system with very low energy loss, controllable room by room
The greenest electricity supply possible
Monitoring of electricity consumption in real time cabin by cabin
Thin-walled cabins with high acoustic efficiency to maximize useful surfaces
Renovation of all common areas
The use of technologies for transferring audio and video streams over IP (DANTE and AVB networks) to minimize the lengths of cables used and allow total interconnection between rooms
An analogue control room without a large console (extremely energy-consuming and requiring permanent air conditioning) for a wide choice of very high-level audio equipment equipped with individual power-down systems
Equipment in local and artisanal or second-hand machines (no disposable materials with us!)
Our future projects
Creation of a solar farm on our 400 m2 of roofs to cover all of our electricity consumption
Provision of bicycles and electric cars for the travel of our customers
The offer of a service for calculating and offsetting unavoidable carbon emissions during productions
The creation of a "Zero Carbon Music Production" label for artists who record with us
And all the good ideas you submit to us!