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Hey! is a collaborative place which brings together composers,

talented resident sound engineers and videographers,

and who is open to all professionals

who want to work there.

Want to join us ?


The residents

Laurent Cabrillat
​Composer - Resident Sound Engineer - Keyboardist - Bassist
Disc - film music - arrangements - sound recording - mixing

David Gana
​Composer - Arranger - Guitarist
Film music - Animation - Arrangements

Stephane Teynie
Sound engineer - Sound recording - Mixing - Mastering
Record - Soundtrack - Orchestra

Stephanie White
Composer - Guitarist - Head ofchoir - Arranger 
Film music - Documentary - Fiction - Production of albums

Jerome Plasseraud
​Composer - Guitarist - Bassist
Disc - Film music - Arrangements - Sound recording - Mixing

Sound engineer
Record - Live

BeatMaker - Sound Engineer
Disc - Instrumentals - Sound recording - Mixing

BeatMaker - Sound Engineer
Disc - Instrumentals - Sound recording - Mixing

BeatMaker - Sound Engineer
Disc - Instrumentals - Sound recording - Mixing

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